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In General

  • Texting "WYCOVID" to 898211 subscribes you to Wyoming 211's information list - statewide texts for now, zip codes later

View the "I need help" and "My organization needs help" pages next for specific resources.


It's important to look back and remember that if you're:

  1. trying to stay well informed &
  2. doing your part,

you're doing great things and we all appreciate you!

Try to remember that, like wearing a seatbelt, some parts of this pandemic are preventative measures that can become good habits :). Washing hands correctly helps with other diseases, too, you know!

Some parts of the community have lost their jobs or been temporarily furloughed without pay. For them, this is an extremely stressful time. If you still have an income, consider giving to food banks and other charities to help people get by. Many of us have been blessed with jobs that've kept us remotely, and we need to be thankful for that and give back with time, money, and resources to see this through to the end.

Other parts of this pandemic, such as staying at home, can still be stressful. If you're getting cabin fever, or need help organizing your digital life when working from home, check the website! There's beautiful pages under help and resources to get you started!

The communities we forge (and re-discover) will hopefully become stronger than ever after this.