
Lead: Troy Wolfe

Have a computer? You can help!

Join our folding@home team: # 257578

For specific FAQs and how to get started, see the main site's I have a computer page.

There's also a DigitalOcean app image, if you don't have a computer but do know how to use DigitalOcean. folding@home

Is this making a difference?

If you call getting a compute job after a week instead of month(s), then yes. Yes this is making a difference. - Cam

Grrr, It's doing Cancer instead of COVID. Why?

Because so many people volunteered, they got caught by surprise.

During their Reddit AMA, the folding@home team addressed becoming (possibly) twice as powerful as the largest research supercomputer (and that was on march 19th!). During that time, they've struggled to both A: prepare projects for distribution & B: Recieve project results.

The folding@home team has come leaps and bounds in terms of bandwidth for recieving results. But, for the time being, sometimes you'll run a Cancer job instead. Why's that? Because they were older jobs, and they'd rather not see your servers go unused. (I wouldn't, personally, as I'm renting mine.) - Cam

As new COVID jobs become available, they have higher priority and will get assigned first, rest assured.

The client supports numerous different diseases. To make sure your computations are fighting COVID-19, configure your client settings as follows:

  • Webcontrol: “Any disease” in the list “I support research fighting”
  • Advanced Control/FAHControl: Configure > Advanced, select “Any” in the list “Cause Preference”
  • The COVID-19 related projects are on top priority and will be assigned automatically.

Grow up. If you cure cancer accidentally, is it really all that bad?

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. - William James


Automation Lead: Cameron Whiting ("I don't care, let's make it bigger.")

If you've got a lab that's sitting idle, consider donating computing time to Folding@Home

We're working on automating folding deployments in the following environments, and for the following use cases:

  1. Powershell
  2. Ansible
  3. Terraform
  4. Docker-Compose
  5. Docker-Swarm
  • School District Computer Labs
  • Library Computer Labs
  • Business Server Blades
  • Cloud IaaS (AWS, GCE, DO)

Visit the CovidComputerLab repo for our automation scripts. We need lab administrators to help triage deployments!

Existing Automation (external projects)