
Channels to Join

source: Slack Document

DEFAULT CHANNELS (You're added to automatically when joining)

  • #community - General forum for everyone in this group.
  • #announcements - Group announcements.
  • #community-requests - Request resources.
  • #community-resources - Offer resources.
  • #events-and-community - Events.
  • #ideas - Suggest and submit ideas to the group.
  • #introductions - Introduce yourself to the group!
  • #jobs-hire-me - Looking for a job? Tell us what you're looking for.
  • #jobs-openings - Current open jobs.
  • #medical-supply-drive - Medical supply drives around WY.
  • #news-and-articles - Share news and articles with others.
  • #news-wtcc-spotlighted - News articles featuring our groups work.
  • #talk-it-out - Just want to talk it out? We're all a bit depressed at the moment.
  • #volunteers - Rallying folks who can volunteer for various projects.

VOLUNTARY CHANNELS (join the ones you are interested in!)

  • #industry-tourism - For members working in the tourism industry.
  • #just-for-fun - Just like the name suggests!
  • #occupation-coder - For members who are coders/programmers.
  • #occupation-designer - For members who are graphic designers.
  • #occupation-engineers - For members who are hardware/mechanical engineers.
  • #occupation-teachers-education - For members who are teachers or work in education.
  • #occupation-public-relations - For members who work in public relations or media.
  • #project-3d-printed-ventilators - For members working or interested in helping with 3D Printed Ventilators.
  • #project-folding-at-home - Donate computing time!
  • #project-service-industry - For members working or interested in helping with the Service Industry Tips website.
  • #project-stitches-mobile-app - For members working or interested in helping with the Stitches iOS and Android apps.
  • #project-wtcc-website - For members working or interested in helping with this groups website and maintenance.
  • #skill-sewers - For members who have sewing and needling skills.
  • #skill-social-media - For members who have communication/social media skills.
  • #topic-3d-printing - For memvers who currently have or have an interest in 3D printing.
  • #topic-gis - For members who currently have or have an interested in GIS/Mapping technologies.

Channel Tips

  • @here / @channel notifies everyone about something
  • you can set only one channel topic. set it to the project leader.
  • you can pin multiple messages. use it to pin important updates.
  • start threads if possible (unless we go a different route..)

Emojis to Use

  • :red_circle: - WANTED
  • :heavy_check_mark: - Solved (edit your message when someone solves it)

Reactions to Use

  • :books: - wrote it, not live yet
  • :heavy_check_mark: - Live.